Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I'm currently in the process of learning Scala, and decided to use this blog to share my learning curve with the rest of the world.


I am going to create a large-scale simulation as experienced in the games Ceasar, Settlers or CivCity. I do not pretend this will result in a full-blown game, but it will contain many of the aspects found in those games.

For those not knowing those games, the concept is simple: you, the player, are expected to turn a piece of land into a thriving city. This is done by attracting citizens, having them harvest food and resources, having them process those resources into essential and/or luxury goods, and not going broke in the process.

I chose this goal for two reasons: first, one of the selling points of Scala is the support for event-based Actors and the possibility to run thousands of them in a small JVM. To me, this sounds exciting. Secondly, creating simulations is just a lot of fun.


I am not planning to write a tutorial for absolute beginners; the best way to understand each step I make is to be me. As it turns out, being me is a not a transferable skill, so let's assume the following requisites:


When writing the blog entries, I will assume the following knowledge:

  • Experience with programming Java;
  • Knowledge of functional programming constructs as experienced in e.g. Python or Haskell – especially higher-order functions and type inference;
  • Scala basics as explained in A Brief Scala Tutorial and Scala by Example.


Furthermore, I will assume the reader has the following software installed:

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