Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Creating a Java/Scala Maven project

In this post, I will explain how I set up my first program, allowing me to create and run an extremely simple Scala program in my favorite IDE using Maven.


I started out with creating the following directory structure:

+-- src
|   +-- main
|   |   +-- java
|   |   +-- resources
|   |   \-- scala
|   |       \-- Simulation.scala
|   \-- test
|       +-- java
|       +-- resources
|       \-- scala
\-- pom.xml

Nothing exciting here – just an ordinary Maven project structure with two extra scala directories.


Creating the file pom.xml was not very exciting either; I basically copy-pasted it from the Scala website:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <project xmlns=""
  <name>Scala SIM</name>
    Tutorial application for creating a city simulation in the Scala
    programming language.
      <name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>
      <name>Scala-tools Maven2 Repository</name>

The only interesting part can be found in lines 62–67 where I added a launcher configuration which enables me to run my scala program from the command line using mvn scala:run.

Using my favorite IDE I installed the Scala plugin, imported the POM, and was ready to go.

My first program

Now, everything was ready to run, and I created the following program in src/main/scala/Simulation.scala:

object Simulation extends Application {
  println("My first Scala simulation")

Running the code (using mvn scala:run) resulted in the usual Maven output, interspersed with the text:

[INFO] My first Scala simulation

I did my hurray-it-works-dance, wrote this blog entry, and went on to do the next entry where actually exciting stuff will happen.

Lessons learned

Even in this short exercise, I learned a few things about Scala:

  • Setting up a Scala project is just as easy as setting up an arbitrary Java project;
  • Creating a small Scala program is easier than creating a similar program in Java;
  • Scala's support for object definitions instead of convoluted singletons is nice.

Get the code

The full code for this post can be found at

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